Redeemed & Resolved | Conversations you wish you had over Starbucks mocha.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Not of the world

Another good article I found on John Piper's Desiring God page. He reflects on a couple studies that have shown that teenagers with deeper biblical and doctrinal understandings of their faith are more likely to live lives set apart from the patterns of the world:

He concludes:

"Yes. [We should] Pray for sure. And work our heinies off teaching and preaching and modeling the Truth. And resist an entertainment model for youth ministry. And cultivate a joyfully blood-earnest atmosphere for worship. And call for our youth and our retirees to go risk their lives somewhere for the risen King Jesus. This is where serious truth-driven ministry takes us."


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"Amazing Grace How Strange the Sound...."

Hey all!!

Josiah pointed me to this article in the most recent edition of the magazine "Modern Reformation." It is quite good, definitely a refreshing look at what grace is.

