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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I don't get it.

(of many of course)

Random question, but one that I've been thinking about on and off a great deal recently and I was wondering if Owen addresses it.

Paul talks of indwelling sin throughout the epistle to the Romans. My question is, "where does it come from?"

After all, doesn't the Bible also say that the old is gone and the new has come. That we are given a new heart that loves God and our heart of stone that doesn't love God has been removed

Paul speaks in Romans 7 of our minds delighting in the law of God, but another law in his members waging war.

What are those members and where did they come from? I don't get it! I think I were to be consistent (throwing out all the stuff in Scripture about the ongoing war with sin) with the "new creation" talk, I would say that I shouldn't be sinning anymore, after all my heart doesn't want to sin. But this indwelling sin throws me for a loop. I don't understand where it comes from.

I can answer why. (For God's glory). I can even tell you how to pursue sanctification (by putting off unrighteousness and putting on Christ). Of course, I can't apply it perfectly (there's that indwelling sin again!), but I have no idea what happened that I can't. It's confusing.

And I don't think the appeal to our incomplete knowledge works here, since it's clear that Paul knows what he's dealing with, and he writes to the Romans expecting them to know what he means by "in our other members" in Romans 7. So I honestly have no idea.

Any thoughts?



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